I worked with Professor Alireza Fazeli from the University of Sheffield, UK and Professor Ann Van Soom University of Salisburylaan, Belgium to produce publications that explained COST research projects FA0702 and FA1201. FA0702 was an investigation into the effect of maternal health on future generations and operated under the name of Gemini. FA1201 operated under the name of Epiconcept and investigated the effect of epigenetics at the time of embryo formation.
COST stands for European Cooperation in Science and Technology. It is an intergovernmental framework which allows the coordination of nationally funded research on a European level. Details can be found on the COST website.
We published two high quality glossy foldout leaflets and an A4 illustrated brochure. Illustrations show the front cover of the Gemini leaflet, the front cover of the Epiconcept leaflet and the front cover of the Gemini brochure, followed by the illustrations for Gemini Working Groups 1,2 and 3